Friday 20 November 2015

Micro enviroment = done

woo, another task complete. very happy with substance designer and how the scene came out. also looking forwards to implementing some streamlining techniques I learnt along the way for my next project. Warframe polycount comp here I come.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

#the road to substance, book 1 part 1. the blockout

next project, going to learn substance painter for hard surface, so i'm going to make a battery bug bot. key shapes have been sketched.

And blocked out, going to start the head high poly in the morning and work through piece by piece until the high poly = badass then it'll go something like low pol, unwrap, export prep, and substance ^_^ can't wait

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Massive HW2 Interceptor progress dump

When last we saw the interceptor it had no texture, and the interceptor has quite a lot of detail going on in it's texture so i broke down the panel compositions here for ease of viewing.

next I created an abstract diffuse to define where the panels were in texture space so i could work mostly on the texture sheet.

Next using the guide I created  a base diffuse for the fighter.
Then added some grime.
Then useing this as a base I created the maps I needed for UE4 which were (deep breath) Albedo, roughness, Metalness, AO, Normal and emissive. put the whole thing int UE4 and bam, project complete.

Final thoughts
what went well:- breaking down the panels into an abstract diffuse to work from worked really well, will definitely do again
what went poorly:- the interaction of the generated normal map and the geometry is a bit naff in places, next time will mix a baked base shape map with the extra panneling effects map. also most of the wear and tear is lost from the final paint to import, need to experiment with better ways of adding damage that shows better in UE4