Saturday 14 March 2015


Time taken - 4 hours
whats next - a scene to go with it, also a mushroom cross guard
very happy with this peice, i took it through the zbrush pipeline to make sure i had a good handle on it and i'm glad i did as i hit a few snags with exporting the poly paint. because i had used dynamesh i had to generate uvs using the uv tools and then bake out a texture for the high poly that could then be baked into the unwrap for the low poly.a nice effect and at just under 4,000 tris its a bargain ^_^

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Moar damage control and an interesting discovery.

Due to my focus on modeling as opposed to getting the scene built in engine i wasted my development time and approached the task this week with a bunch of high topology but useless assets. realizing that it would be a push to finish the half-assed deadspace scene I instead focused on salvaging what i already had into a new scene. Taking my newly sculpted rock i created a dynamic material witch placed snow on its upward faces allowing me to use scaled and rotated versions of it to create an entire scene. However since i made the rock today and the new scene doesn't actually contain any of the older props and maps from nothing out scene took about 7 hours total. there are still some things i would like to add (snow+wind particles, a unique obelisk mesh) however I would be more than happy to put this scene on my portfolio. I'm still surprised how much scenery can be pulled out of one object.

build an entirely new scene - 7hours total
2 hours -model + bake stone
3 hours - build mateial
2 hours - build scene and various tweaks

Next step - finish my strike suit zero project.

Thursday 5 March 2015


Pushing two more concreate modules through the zbrush pipeline - 3 hours
next task - finish concreate modules and begin work on the floor + cliff

Parmatized material

Create a sculpt for one of the concrete sections of the building and then create an instantiated concrete material using paramatized values - 3 hours
next step - repeat the process for the other concrete seactions

Wednesday 4 March 2015

second pass, 6 hours total

Detail pass and supporting geometry - 3 hours
next step - module export to Zbrush and detail and color paint
(missing neck joint, missing shoulder and leg joints.)
hand paint to make a final high, re top, then bake down in Zbrush. I'm entering the most unfamiliar part now.